
Add Your Request To Our Prayer List

If you have a prayer request or a praise report, please let us know.  Our intercessors will pray over your need and rejoice over your testimony. Here are some intersections to prayer and praise!

Members of the Prayer Team as well as the church at large receive the church’s printed prayer list each week and will pray for your requests. You can add your request to this list in one of three ways:
  • Call the church office with your request and contact information (630) 529-1282.
  • Contact us online by completing the form below.
    Every Thursday night at 5:30 pm. Corporate Prayer happens under the leadership of our Sr. Pastor, Rev. Robbie R. Robinson.  We stand firm in our belief that when at least “two or three Believers” are present in one place, their unity of faith and prayer being of such a degree that when they harmonize together in agreement with God’s Will and His Word, God intervenes and brings to pass the specific request. (Matthew 18:19 – 20) 

    Ministry Contact:  Intercessory Prayer Coordinator, Sister Lois Sharp – (630) 529-1282.