Leadership Team

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As a ministerial team, our overall mission is to work in a collaborative, prayerful manner to help souls find freedom from hurt, hang-ups and habits by providing spiritual counsel, outreach and guidance through the power of deliverance from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
At CTC, we strive to follow Jesus’ model of servant leadership. Our congregation is served by our Senior Pastor, Rev. Robbie R. Robinson, associate ministers, deacons, elders coupled with a trustee team and a host of servant-leaders and committed ministry workers.
Senior Pastor
Rev. Robbie R. Robinson
Associate Ministerial
Support Team Members
Support Team Members
Rev. Pauline Askew, Rev. Henry Bradley, Rev. Tenisha Bradley, Rev. April Brock,
Rev. Sue Delaney, Rev. Lucy Horton, Rev. Ernest Kyles, Rev. Bill McCoy, Rev. Clem McCullough, Rev. Rosemary Newman, Rev. George Whitehead
Deacon and Deaconate
Team Members
Jr. Deaconate Jalen Comier, Jr. Deaconate Antonio Comier, Deacon Gloria Covington, Deacon Lillie Douglas, Deacon Adrenius Hurd, Deacon Del Joiner, Deacon Larry Lucas, Deacon Brenda McCoy, Deacon Richard Palmer, Deacon Victor Shook, Deacon Anthony Turner
Elder Team Members
Elder Howard Cumberlander (Emeritus), Elder Richard Newman, Elder Willie Rhodes