Rev Charles Woolery Bio

2019 Church Anniversary Guest Speaker, March 17th @ 10:00 a.m. Worship Service.
Pastor Stan & Charlotte Parker
A Place to Belong, A Place to Become
Lansing, Michigan

Rev. Dr. Stan Parker is affectionately referred to as “Pastor Stan”. He has been in ministry for over 37 years.  He served as an Associate Minister with the late Pastor Charles Tolbert for over 18 years at the Galilee Baptist Church. He served also with Dr. Melvin T. Jones as the Director of Music and Counselor Director at Union Baptist Church.  


Pastor Stan has served as the Senior Pastor at the Faith Fellowship Baptist Church, Lansing, Michigan for the past 15 years.  He completed his undergraduate studies at Michigan State University and received his Masters Degree from there also.  In 2009 he completed his Doctorate in Christian Counseling from Newburgh Theological Seminary.  

Pastor Stan is a writer, counselor, composer, mentor, brother and friend to many.  His greatest relationships are with his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and is wife of 38 years, Charlotte Parker.  Pastor Stan and his wife are the parents to four adult children,  Denay, Stanley Jr, DeJuan, and Matthew. 


In his spare time he enjoys traveling as a missionary.  His travels have taken him to Africa, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Canada, Mexico, Jamaica and Israel.  He has also traveled extensively throughout the United States.  

Pastor Stan views himself simply as a servant of the Lord. One of his most joyful servant positions is that of Campus Minister at Michigan State University, where he has served for more than 37 years.   He has been blessed to train hundreds of students who are now active in churches across America and in the Caribbean Islands.  Pastor Stan ministers weekly on the radio with his program “Time of Praise”.  He is also on TV with his weekly program “Faith Hour”.  

Pastor Stan has a hunger to see men, women, boys and girls surrender their lives to Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord.